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Stock  YES
Manuf. Part#  63860B-B4
Special Offer        
Your Price:  ONLY $250.00

  • Integrates the tone generator, tone detection, system clock, and synchronization functions onto one circuit pack for use in standard, high, and critical reliability systems
  • Supports 8 ports for tone detection and allows gain or loss to be applied to Pulse Code Modulated (PCM) signals received form the bus
  • Provides Stratum 4 enhanced clock accuracy
  • Supports MFC signaling and places single tone on any of the 256 time slots of the system's Time Division
  • Multiplexing (TDM) bus
  • Provides continuous, cadenced, and mixed tones
  • Allows administratable setting of tone frequency and level
  • Detects 2025 Hz, 2100 Hz, 2225 Hz modem answerback tones, and provides normal and wide broadband dial tone detection

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